19.05.2016 в 13:00
Пишет quirischa:По традиции выпускники американских школ приходят на свой выпускной парами. Нередко поиск спутницы или спутника становится для ребёнка большим стрессом. 18-летний Сэм Стейнгард из Джермантуана, Мэриленд значительно облегчил себе жизнь и пригласил на праздник свою любимую кошку Руби.
Finding a date for Prom can be a stressful experience for many. Just ask Sam Steingard. With the big date drawing ever nearer, the 18-year-old singleton from The States still hadn’t found a girl to take. So instead of going alone or refusing to go at all, he did what any rational and sound-minded person would do in such a situation. He took Ruby, his cat.
URL записиFinding a date for Prom can be a stressful experience for many. Just ask Sam Steingard. With the big date drawing ever nearer, the 18-year-old singleton from The States still hadn’t found a girl to take. So instead of going alone or refusing to go at all, he did what any rational and sound-minded person would do in such a situation. He took Ruby, his cat.